Центральная библиотека в Пущинском научном центре (отдел БЕН РАН)

База данных научных журналов, книг и первоисточников по общественным наукам.


Название журнала ISSN
ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 21564809, 23294604
ABA Journal 07470088, 21627983
Ábaco 02136252
Academy of Management Learning & Education 1537260X
Acta Oeconomica 16373, 15882659
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 16446, 15882667
Acta Sociologica 00016993
Acta Turistica 03534316, 18486061
Administrative Law Review 00018368
Administrative Theory & Praxis 10841806
Advances in Applied Probability 00018678
Aegyptus 00019046, 18277888
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 00019720, 17500184
Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente 00019747
African American Review 10624783
African Arts 00019933
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 2156695X, 21567263
African Economic History 01452258
African Issues 15484505
African Journal of Reproductive Health / La Revue Africaine de la Santé Reproductive 11184841
African Review of Money Finance and Banking 11243163
Afro-Hispanic Review 02788969
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity 10130950
Agricultural History 00021482, 15338290
Aleph 15651525, 15533956
American Indian Quarterly 0095182X, 15341828
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 00029092, 14678276
American Journal of Mathematics 00029327, 10806377
American Journal of Political Science 00925853, 15405907
American Journal of Sociology 00029602, 15375390
American Law and Economics Review 14657252, 14657260
American Literature 00029831, 15272117
American Political Thought 21611580, 21611599
American Quarterly 00030678, 10806490
American Secondary Education 00031003
American Sociological Review 00031224
American Studies 00263079, 21536856
Amerikastudien / American Studies 03402827
Analise Social 00032573, 21822999
Analysis 00032638, 14678284
Anatolian Studies 00661546
Annales Aequatoria 02544296
Annales de Geographie 00034010, 17775884
Annals of Dyslexia 07369387, 19347243
Annals of Economics and Statistics 21154430, 19683863
Annals of Mathematics 0003486X
Annual Review of Anthropology 00846570
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 1543592X, 15452069
Annual Review of Sociology 03600572, 15452115
Anthropological Quarterly 00035491, 15341518
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 00035548
Anthropology Design Series 21690588
Anthropology Now 19428200, 19492901
Anthropology Today 0268540X, 14678322
Anthropology, Memoirs 21690618
Antitrust Law Journal 00036056
Appalachian Journal 00903779
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 20405790, 20405804
Arab Studies Quarterly 02713519, 20436920
Arabica 05705398
Arbeit und Recht 00037648
Archaeology in Oceania 00038121
Archaeology of Eastern North America 03601021
Archiv des Voelkerrechts 0003892X
Archiv fuer die civilistische Praxis 00038997
Archiv fuer Orientforschung 00666440
Archive for History of Exact Sciences 00039519, 14320657
Arctic 00040843
Arms Control Today 0196125X, 19435754
ARSP: Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy 00012343
Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies 00693235, 23259337
Asian Journal of Social Science 15684849, 22123857
Asian Perspective 02589184, 22882871
Atlantis 02106124
Australasian Historical Archaeology 13229214
Australasian Journal of American Studies 18389554
Australian Archaeology 03122417
Behavioral Disorders 01987429, 21635307
Berkeley Journal of Sociology 00675830
Berliner Museen 00059315
Bernoulli 13507265
Beyond Behavior 10742956, 21635323
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 00062294
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 00804606, 17488494
Biometrika 00063444
BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology / Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 07591063, 20702779
Boletín de Antropología Americana 0252841X
Botswana Notes and Records 05255090
British Actuarial Journal 13573217, 20440456
Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 19360886, 19346832
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 02497638, 17607361
Bulletin of Latin American Research 02613050, 14709856
Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 0002712X
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 0003097X, 21618062
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies 01453661
Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1973-1982) 00943312
Business & Professional Ethics Journal 02772027
Business Law Today 10599436, 23758112
Cahiers d'Études Africaines 00080055
Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 00080276, 19696787
Callaloo 01612492, 10806512
Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d'Archéologie 07052006
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes 08263663
Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique 00084263, 19207476
Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques 03170861, 19119917
Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes 00085006, 23752475
Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social 0820909X, 23695757
Caravelle (1988-) 11476753
Central European History 00089389, 15691616
Český lid 00090794
Challenge 05775132, 15581489
Charity Organisation Review 23984872, 23992247
Chicana/Latina Studies 15502546
Children, Youth and Environments 15462250
China Review International 10695834, 15279367
China Review 16802012
Chungara: Revista de Antropologí­a Chilena 07161182
Cina 05297451
Cityscape 1936007X
Civilisations 00098140
Computer Music Journal 01489267, 15315169
Confluencia 08886091
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10757201, 19301200
Contemporary Sociology 00943061, 19398638
Contemporary Southeast Asia 0129797X
Contexts 15365042, 15376052
Contributions to the History of Concepts 18079326, 1874656X
Corinth 15587185
Counterpoints 10581634
Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies 14220857, 16634837
Criminologie 03160041, 14921367
Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 07412037
Culture, Health & Sexuality 13691058, 14645351
Cultures et Conflits 1157996X, 17775345
Current Anthropology 00113204, 15375382
Current Research on Peace and Violence 03567893
Daedalus 00115266
DCIDOB 11326107
Dead Sea Discoveries 09290761
Décisions Marketing 07797389
Demography 00703370, 15337790
Der Globusfreund 04360664, 23056355
Desarrollo Económico 0046001X
Development in Practice 09614524
Dialectical Anthropology 03044092, 15730786
Die Friedens-Warte 03400255
Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German 0042062X, 17561221
Die Welt des Orients 00432547
Durkheimian Studies / Études Durkheimiennes 1362024X, 17522307
Early China 03625028, 23252324
Early Science and Medicine 13837427
East and West 00128376
Eastern Economic Journal 00945056, 19394632
Ecología Política 11306378
Ecological Applications 10510761
Ecological Monographs 00129615
Ecology 00129658, 19399170
Econometric Theory 02664666, 14694360
Econometrica 00129682, 14680262
Economic Development and Cultural Change 00130079, 15392988
Economic Digest 04223012
Economic Policy 02664658, 14680327
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 21541647
Education and Treatment of Children 07488491, 19348924
Educational Horizons 0013175X, 21623163
Educational Psychology Review 1040726X, 1573336X
Educational Weekly 24753262
Eighteenth-Century Studies 00132586, 1086315X
El Trimestre Económico 00413011
ELH 00138304, 10806547
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 1540496X, 15580938
Environment and History 09673407
Environmental Values 09632719, 17527015
Erdkunde 00140015
e-Service Journal 15288226, 15288234
Estudios Atacameños 07160925
Estudios de Asia y Africa 01850164
Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos 01867210
Estudios Económicos 01867202
Estudios Internacionales 07160240
Estudios Sociológicos 01854186
Ethics and the Environment 10856633, 15355306
Ethics 00141704, 1539297X
Ethnology 00141828
Etnofoor 09215158
European Journal of East Asian Studies 15680584, 15700615
European Journal of Psychology of Education 02562928, 18785174
European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie / Europäisches Archiv für Soziologie 00039756, 14740583
European Review of Economic History 13614916, 14740044
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 09240608
Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident 07545010, 21087105
Family Advocate 0163710X
Family Law Quarterly 0014729X
Feminist Review 01417789, 14664380
Fieldiana. Anthropology 00714739, 21624321
FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis 00152218
Fire!!! 21564078
Foreign Policy 00157228
Forschungen und Berichte 00676004
Franchise Law Journal 87567962
French Colonial History 15393402, 15437787
French Politics, Culture & Society 15376370, 15585271
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 01609009, 15360334
Gender and Development 13552074
Genus 00166987, 20355556
Geographische Zeitschrift 00167479
Geography 00167487
GeoJournal 03432521, 15729893
German Politics & Society 10450300, 15585441
German Studies Review 01497952
Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia 00170097
Globe Studies 16847091
Goodwin Series 03043460
GPSolo 1528638X, 21631727
Group 03624021
Guaraguao 11372354
Guide (Field Museum of Natural History) 21690642
Harvard International Review 07391854
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 00730548, 19446454
Harvard Ukrainian Studies 03635570
Health and Human Rights 10790969, 21504113
Health Transition Review 10364005
Hermes 00180777
Histoire de l'éducation 02216280, 21025452
Histoire, Économie et Société 07525702, 17775906
Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales 11361700
Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 00182311
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 01726404
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement 09366784
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 03919714, 17426316
History in Africa 03615413, 15582744
History Workshop Journal 13633554, 14774569
HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 21525188, 21566240
Human Biology 00187143, 15346617
Human Rights 00468185, 21628483
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 01604341
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) 12187364
Huntington Library Quarterly 00187895, 1544399X
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 01601040
Il Foro Italiano 0015783X, 18278213
Il Giappone 03906647
Il Politico 0032325X, 2239611X
Imago Mundi 03085694, 14797801
In Defense of the Alien 0275634X, 21687560
India International Centre Quarterly 03769771
Indian Anthropologist 09700927
Indian Economic Review 00194670
Indian Journal of Asian Affairs 09706402
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 00195286
Indonesia 00197289
Information Systems Research 10477047, 15265536
Inner Asia 14648172, 22105018
Inquiry 00469580, 19457243
Instructional Science 00204277, 15731952
International Journal of American Linguistics 00207071, 15457001
International Journal of Arts Management 14808986
International Journal of Cuban Studies 17563461, 1756347X
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 10864415, 15579301
International Journal of Ethiopian Studies 15434133
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 13896563, 15736962
International Journal of Historical Archaeology 10927697, 15737748
International Journal of Mental Health 00207411, 15579328
International Journal of Peace Studies 10857494
International Journal of Political Economy 08911916
International Journal of Sociology of the Family 00207667
International Journal of Sociology 00207659, 15579336
International Journal on World Peace 07423640
International Organization 00208183, 15315088
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 19440391, 19440405
International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique 01925121
International Review of Modern Sociology 09732047
International Review of Qualitative Research 19408447, 19408455
International Social Science Review 02782308, 23320419
International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique 03067734, 17515823
International Studies of Management & Organization 00208825
Investigación Económica 01851667
Iran & the Caucasus 16098498
Iranian Studies 00210862
Iraq 00210889
IRB: Ethics & Human Research 01937758
Islamic Africa 2333262X, 21540993
Islamic Studies 05788072
Israel Exploration Journal 00212059
Israel Studies 10849513, 1527201X
Italian Politics 10864946, 23267259
Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 00752207
Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien 00752533
Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte 14384485
Japan Review 09150986
Journal (American Water Works Association) 0003150X, 15518833
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 00218294, 14685906
Journal for the Study of Radicalism 19301189, 19301197
Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 10842268
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 10685502
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 10857117
Journal of Animal Ecology 00218790, 13652656
Journal of Anthropological Research 00917710
Journal of Applied Econometrics 08837252, 10991255
Journal of Applied Probability 00219002
Journal of Applied Social Science 19367244, 19370245
Journal of Arabic Literature 00852376
Journal of Archaeological Research 10590161, 15737756
Journal of Asian History 0021910X
Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness 21606765, 21606757
Journal of Behavioral Education 10530819, 15733513
Journal of Black Studies 00219347
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 07350015
Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 01913557
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 00472328, 19299850
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 10618600
Journal of Correctional Education (1974-) 07402708
Journal of Cuneiform Studies 00220256
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10814159, 14657325
Journal of Developmental Education 08943907
Journal of East Asian Studies 15982408, 22346643
Journal of Ecology 00220477, 13652745
Journal of Economic Growth 13814338, 15737020
Journal of Economic Integration 1225651X
Journal of Economic Literature 00220515
Journal of Education Finance 00989495, 19446470
Journal of Educational Media, Memory & Society 20416938, 20416946
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 11763647, 14364522
Journal of Ethiopian Studies 03042243
Journal of Haitian Studies 10903488
Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 10793739
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 00221465
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 16060997, 20721315
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 15664910, 15737772
Journal of Human Capital 19328575, 19328664
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) / Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft 09324569, 16140559
Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law 08924880
Journal of Latin American Geography 15452476, 15485811
Journal of Law and Courts 21646570, 21646589
Journal of Legal Education 00222208
Journal of Linguistics 00222267, 14697742
Journal of Management Information Systems 07421222
Journal of Managerial Issues 10453695
Journal of Marketing Research 00222437
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 10696679
Journal of Marketing 00222429
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 00222879, 15384616
Journal of Museum Ethnography 09547169
Journal of Oriental Studies 0022331X
Journal of Political Economy 00223808, 1537534X
Journal of Population Research 14432447, 18359469
Journal of Public Affairs Education 15236803
Journal of Public Policy 0143814X, 14697815
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 07484518, 15737799
Journal of Social History 00224529, 15271897
Journal of Social Work Education 10437797
Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 10593152, 21546665
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies 23395095, 23395206
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 08940347, 10886834
Journal of the American Statistical Association 01621459
Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 13560131
Journal of the Early Republic 02751275, 15530620
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 00224995
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria 00182540
Journal of the History of Ideas 00225037, 10863222
Journal of the History of Sexuality 10434070, 15353605
Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 01267353, 21804338
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1391720X
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) 09641998, 1467985X
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) 13697412, 14679868
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 00359254, 14679876
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician) 00390526, 14679884
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 1948822X
Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1559372X, 15593738
Journal of World Prehistory 08927537, 15737802
Jurimetrics 08971277, 21544344
JuristenZeitung 00226882, 18687067
Kiva 00231940
Korean Studies 0145840X, 15291529
Kritische Justiz 00234834
KritV, CritQ, RCrit. Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft / Critical Quarterly for Legislation and Law / Revue critique trimestrielle de jurisprudence et de législation 21937869
Kronos 02590190
Kunst des Orients 00235393
Land Economics 00237639
Language Acquisition 10489223, 15327817
Language Arts 03609170, 19432402
Language in Society 00474045, 14698013
L'Année sociologique (1940/1948-) 00662399, 19696760
Latin American Antiquity 10456635
Le Mouvement social 00272671, 19618646
Le Travail Humain 00411868, 21043663
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 17552273, 17552281
Lecture Notes-Monograph Series 07492170
Leviathan 03400425, 18618588
Linguistic Inquiry 00243892, 15309150
Lithic Technology 01977261
Litigation 00979813, 21629765
Luso-Brazilian Review 00247413, 15489957
Marketing Letters 09230645, 1573059X
Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis 03441369
Material Culture 08833680
Math Horizons 10724117, 19476213
Mathematics of Computation 00255718, 10886842
Mathematics of Operations Research 0364765X, 15265471
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 10720839
Medical Care 00257079
Medizinhistorisches Journal 00258431
MELA Notes 03642410
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 00966134
Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter 08837902
Meridiana 03944115, 19732244
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 0272930X, 15350266
Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 07429797, 15338320
Michigan Sociological Review 19347111
Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 01461109
Middle Eastern Studies 00263206
Middle School Journal 00940771
Mientras Tanto 02108259
Mind 00264423, 14602113
Minerva 00264695, 15731871
MIR: Management International Review 09388249, 18618901
MLN 00267910, 10806598
Mnemosyne 00267074
Monumenta Nipponica 00270741, 18801390
Monumenta Serica 02549948
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 01492195, 1545861X
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Recommendations and Reports 10575987, 15458601
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries 15460738, 15458636
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 07938934, 15655288
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 0167806X, 15730859
Natural Resources & Environment 08823812
Nawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 00776297
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 08893365, 15372642
Near Eastern Archaeology 10942076, 23255404
Neue Kriminalpolitik 09349200
New Labor Forum 10957960, 15572978
New Zealand Slavonic Journal 00288683
Newsletter (Museum Ethnographers Group) 02600366
Nineteenth-Century Literature 08919356, 10678352
Northeast African Studies 07409133, 15356574
Nous 00294624, 14680068
NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics 19355920, 23290978
NWIG: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 13822373, 22134360
Oceania 00298077
Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications 00783188
Oceanic Linguistics 00298115, 15279421
Oriente Moderno 00305472
Pacific Affairs 0030851X
Pacific Historical Review 00308684, 15338584
Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 00787809
Pakistan Economic and Social Review 1011002X
Pakistan Horizon 0030980X
Paléorient 01539345, 1957701X
Peace Research 00084697
Perspectives on Politics 15375927, 15410986
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 15386341, 19312393
Perspectives 1210762X, 18034551
Pharmacy in History 00317047, 23295031
Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 00317314, 23307382
Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society 01150243
Philippine Sociological Review 00317810
Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints 22441093, 22441638
Philosophical Issues 15336077, 17582237
Philosophical Perspectives 15208583, 17582245
Philosophy & Public Affairs 00483915, 10884963
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 00318205
Philosophy 00318191, 1469817X
Phoenix 00318299, 19294883
Phonology 09526757, 14698188
Phronesis 00318868
Plains Anthropologist 00320447
Polish Sociological Review 12311413
Political Analysis 10471987, 14764989
Political Psychology 0162895X, 14679221
Political Science Quarterly 00323195
Politique étrangère 0032342X, 19588992
Polity 00323497, 17441684
Popular Series. Anthropology 21676216
Population (English Edition, 2002-) 16342941, 19589190
Population (French Edition) 00324663, 19577966
Population and Development Review 00987921, 17284457
Population Index 00324701
Population Research and Policy Review 01675923, 15737829
Population Studies 00324728
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 0065972X
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science 00650684
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 00656798
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 00029939, 10886826
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 0003049X
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 00667374, 14679264
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes 03097013, 14678349
Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 00804169
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 03088421
Professional School Counseling 10962409, 2156759X
Public Administration Quarterly 07349149
Public Affairs Quarterly 08870373, 21520542
Public Contract Law Journal 00333441, 21628181
Public Health Reports (1974-) 00333549
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 00046280, 15383873
Quaderni di Studi Arabi 11212306
Quality of Life Research 09629343, 15732649
Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 00900095
Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting 19398123, 23278250
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law 00337250
Race, Gender & Class 10828354
Race, Poverty & the Environment 15322874
Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts 19358644, 19358652
Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 03900096
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal 21594538, 23296127
Recherche et Applications en Marketing 07673701
Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review 07704518, 17821495
Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University 0032843X
Records of the Academy (American Academy of Arts and Sciences) 00656844
Renaissance Quarterly 00344338, 19350236
Representations 07346018, 1533855X
Reproductive Health Matters 09688080
Research and Teaching in Developmental Education 10463364
Review (Fernand Braudel Center) 01479032, 2327445X
Review of African Political Economy 03056244, 17401720
Review of Japanese Culture and Society 09134700, 23299770
Review of Middle East Studies 21513481
Review of Religious Research 0034673X
Review of Social Economy 00346764, 14701162
Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 16102878, 16102886
Reviews in American History 00487511, 10806628
Revista Chilena de Derecho 07160747, 07183437
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals 11336595
Revista de Antropologia 00347701, 16789857
Revista de Arqueología Americana 01883631
Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 02528843
Revista Española de Pedagogía 00349461, 21740909
Revista Geográfica 00310581
Revista Mexicana de Sociología 01882503
Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap 07716788
Revue d'histoire des sciences 01514105, 19696582
Revue économique 00352764, 19506694
Revue européenne des sciences sociales 00488046
Revue française de pédagogie 05567807
Revue française de sociologie (English Edition) 22717641
Revue française de sociologie 00352969, 19585691
Revue française d'études américaines 03977870
Revue Tiers Monde 12938882, 19631359
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 02773945
Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali 00356611
Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali 0035676X, 18277918
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (2008-) 0976836X, 09768378
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (2008-) 09768386, 09768394
Saothar 03321169
Savings and Development 03934551
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 03036898, 14679469
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 03553140, 1795990X
Science & Society 00368237, 19432801
Scottish Archaeological Journal 14715767, 17662028
Shakespeare Quarterly 00373222, 15383555
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 00361399
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 00361429
SIAM Review 00361445, 10957200
Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 00375411
Small Business Economics 0921898X, 15730913
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice 0155977X, 15585727
Social Choice and Welfare 01761714, 1432217X
Social History 03071022
Social Justice 10431578
Social Problems 00377791, 15338533
Social Psychology Quarterly 01902725, 19398999
Social Research 0037783X
Social Science History 01455532, 15278034
Social Science Japan Journal 13691465, 14682680
Social Science Quarterly 00384941, 15406237
Social Scientist 09700293
Social Thought & Research 10945830
Social Work Research 10705309, 15456838
Social Work 00378046, 15456846
Society and Economy 15889726, 1588970X
Sociological Bulletin 00380229
Sociological Focus 00380237, 21621128
Sociological Perspectives 07311214, 15338673
Sociologický Časopis / Czech Sociological Review 00380288
Sociologie du Travail 00380296, 17775701
Sociologisk Forskning 00380342
Sociology of Education 00380407, 19398573
Sociology of Religion 10694404, 17598818
Sociology 00380385, 14698684
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 02179520
South East Asia Research 0967828X, 20436874
Southeast Asian Affairs 03775437
Southeastern Archaeology 0734578X
Southern African Journal of Demography 16824482
Southern Economic Journal 00384038
Soziale Welt 00386073
Soziales Recht 21935157
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men 21623244, 21623252
Speculum 00387134, 20408072
State Crime Journal 20466056, 20466064
Statistical Science 08834237, 21688745
Studi di Sociologia 0039291X
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 00393215, 15728730
Studies in Family Planning 00393665, 17284465
Studies in Philology 00393738, 15430383
SubStance 00492426, 15272095
Sudan Notes and Records 03752984
Sudhoffs Archiv 00394564
Symbolic Interaction 01956086, 15338665
Teacher Education Quarterly 07375328
Teaching Children Mathematics 10735836
Teaching Geography 03058018, 20436831
Technology and Culture 0040165X, 10973729
Technometrics 00401706, 15372723
The Accounting Historians Journal 01484184
The American Economic Review 00028282
The American Economist 05694345
The American Historical Review 00028762, 19375239
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 00029246
The American Journal of International Law 00029300, 21617953
The American Mathematical Monthly 00029890, 19300972
The American Political Science Review 00030554, 15375943
The American Sociologist 00031232, 19364784
The Americas 00031615, 15336247
The Annals of Applied Probability 10505164
The Annals of Applied Statistics 19326157
The Annals of Probability 00911798
The Annals of Statistics 00905364
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 00027162
The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 00660035, 23259299
The Arab Studies Journal 10834753
The Athenian Agora 15588610
The Bangladesh Development Studies 0304095X
The Black Perspective in Music 00907790
The British Journal for the History of Science 00070874, 1474001X
The British Journal of Criminology 00070955, 14643529
The British Journal of Social Work 00453102, 1468263X
The British Museum Quarterly 0007151X
The Business History Review 00076805, 2044768X
The Business Lawyer 00076899
The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 03186431, 17101123
The Canadian Journal of Statistics / La Revue Canadienne de Statistique 03195724
The China Journal 13249347
The Classical Journal 00098353
The Classical World 00098418
The College Courant 24758957, 25731424
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 00104051
The Connecticut Common School Journal and Annals of Education 21589259, 25731416
The Contemporary Pacific 1043898X, 15279464
The Econometrics Journal 13684221, 1368423X
The Economic Journal 00130133, 14680297
The Energy Journal 01956574, 19449089
The European Journal of Health Economics 16187598, 16187601
The Family Law Newsletter 04279638
The Global South 19328648, 19328656
The Good Society 10890017, 15389731
The Great Circle 01568698
The Hastings Center Report 00930334, 1552146X
The International Journal of Social Quality 17570344, 17570352
The International Lawyer 00207810, 21696578
The Journal of African American History 15481867, 21535086
The Journal of American History 00218723, 19360967
The Journal of American-East Asian Relations 10583947, 18765610
The Journal of Asian Studies 00219118, 17520401
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 10773711, 23266023
The Journal of Business 00219398, 15375374
The Journal of Classroom Interaction 07494025, 23766670
The Journal of East Asian Affairs 10101608
The Journal of Economic History 00220507, 14716372
The Journal of Economic Perspectives 08953309
The Journal of Education 00220574
The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de la Pensée Éducative 00220701
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 03075133
The Journal of Finance 00221082, 15406261
The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 00221090, 17566916
The Journal of Higher Education 00221546, 15384640
The Journal of Industrial Economics 00221821, 14676451
The Journal of Modern History 00222801, 15375358
The Journal of Negro Education 00222984, 21676437
The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 08853134
The Journal of Philosophy 0022362X
The Journal of Politics 00223816, 14682508
The Journal of Sex Research 00224499, 15598519
The Journal of Southern History 00224642, 23256893
The Journal of Symbolic Logic 00224812, 19435886
The Journal of the Polynesian Society 00324000
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13590987, 14679655
The Justice System Journal 0098261X
The Mathematical Gazette 00255572
The Mathematics Teacher 00255769
The Modern Language Review 00267937, 22224319
The Monist 00269662
The National Interest 08849382, 19381573
The Oral History Review 00940798, 15338592
The Pakistan Development Review 00309729
The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-) 00318094, 14679213
The Philosophical Review 00318108, 15581470
The Public Historian 02723433, 15338576
The Public Opinion Quarterly 0033362X, 15375331
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 00335533, 15314650
The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 00417939
The Review of Economic Studies 00346527, 1467937X
The Review of Economics and Statistics 00346535, 15309142
The Review of Financial Studies 08939454, 14657368
The Review of Politics 00346705, 17486858
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 03470520, 14679442
The Slavonic and East European Review 00376795, 22224327
The Society of Malawi Journal 0037993X
The Sociological Quarterly 00380253, 15338525
The South African Archaeological Bulletin 00381969
The State and Local Tax Lawyer. Symposium Edition 2373034X, 23730358
The Tax Lawyer 0040005X
The Urban Lawyer 00420905, 19426593
The William and Mary Quarterly 00435597, 19337698
The Women's Review of Books 07381433
The Yearbook of English Studies 03062473, 22224289
Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 00405817, 15585816
Third World Quarterly 01436597, 13602241
Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal 15433234, 1943118X
T'oung Pao 00825433
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 00029947
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 00659746
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana 08553246
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 00804401, 14740648
Transition 00411191, 15278042
Transportation Journal 00411612, 2157328X
Transportation Science 00411655, 15265447
Ulbandus Review 0163450X, 23278323
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 08946019
Ventunesimo Secolo 15943755, 1971159X
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America 05067286
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 17284414, 17285305
Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 02941759, 19506678
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 09578765, 15737888
VSWG: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 03408728
Western Historical Quarterly 00433810, 19398603
Wicazo Sa Review 07496427, 15337901
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 00840076
Women, Gender, and Families of Color 23260939, 23260947
World Politics 00438871, 10863338
Yale French Studies 00440078
YC Young Children 15386619
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 00121169
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 00442666
Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 0946-7165
Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen: ZögU / Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services 03449777
Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 14383608, 21968349
Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 05146496
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte / Journal of Business History 03422852